NAME: Rev. Msgr. John Opoku-Agyemang
DATE OF BIRTH: August 15, 1957.
DATE OF ORDINATION: January 22, 1984.
PRELATE OF HONOUR (Monsignor) by Pope John Paul II, August 6, 2005
MAILING ADDRESS: Bishop's House P.O. Box 382, Mamapong Asante, Ghana, West Africa
E-mail Address:
12/2001 D.Min. Pastoral Theology, University of St Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A
05/1983 MDiv, Theological Studies, University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas, U.S.A
05/1982 Dip. CPE, (Clinical Pastoral Education), University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas, U.S.A
07/1980 Philosophical Studies, St Peter’s Major Seminary, Pedu, Cape Coast, Ghana.
1976-78 Advanced Level (“A” Level ), St Hubert’s Minor Seminary, Kumasi, Ghana.
1971-76 Ordinary Level (“O” Level), St. Hubert’s Minor Seminary, Kumasi, Ghana
October 2009 – Date Rector and Formator, St. Gregory the Great Provincial Major Seminiary, Parkoso, Kumasi.
October 1985 – 2009 Catholic Chaplin, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi and Parish Priest, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, KNUST, Kumasi
Sept. 1984 – Sept. 1985 Assistant Priest, St Joseph’s Parish. Esaase Bontefufuo, A / Region, Ghana.
Jan. 2001 – March 2001 Research Project: Preaching as a tool for Evangelization, University of St. Thomas, St Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A
Jan. 2000 – April 2000 Research Project: Creating Small or Basic Christian Communities/Groups as tools of Evangelization in the church. University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A
Aug. 1999 – Dec. 2001 Director and Instructor: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), Most Holy Trinity Parish, St. Louis Park, Minnesota, U.S.A.
October 1985 – July 1999 Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana.
2017 to Date Supreme Chaplian, Noble Orrder of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall.
2016 to Date Chairman, Konongo-Mampong Diocesan Synod Implementation Committee.
2015 – 2017 Assistant Supreme Chaplian, Noble Order of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall.
2014 – 2015 Chairman, First Knongo-Mampong Diocesan Synod Planning Committee.
2012 – 2013 Member, Planning Committee, Year of Faith, Archdiocese of Kumasi
2011 – 2012 Chairman, Search Committee for Registrar for the Catholic University Collage of Ghana, Fiapre-Sunyani.
2011 – 2012 Member, Planning Committee, 130th Anniversary of the Kumasi Archdiocese.
2011 – 2017 Member, Governing Council, Catholic, Catholic University College of Ghana, Fiapre-Sunyani.
2009 to Date Member, Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa (RECOWA-CEROA) Seminaries Commission
2009 – 2010 Member, Year of the Priest Committee, Archdiocese of Kumasi
2009 – Chairman, Committee Investigating Students of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi consulting Shrines.
2008 – 2017 Chairman, Board of Directors, President J. A. Kuffour ICT Center, Nkwantakesse, Diocese of Konongo-Mampong.
2008 – Chairman, Special Committee for the Proposed United Protestant Church, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
2008 – Chairman, Pauline Year Planning Committee, Diocese of Konongo-Mampong.
2008 – Member, Pauline Year Planning Committee, Archdiocese of Kumasi
2008 – Chairman, Finance Committee and Member, Committee for Archbishop Emeritus, P.K Sarpong’s Farewell.
2007 – Assistant-Secretary and Member, Mini Synod. Archdiocese of Kumasi.
2006 – Date Chaplain, Noble Order of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall, Council 78, and Court 74, respectively, KNUST, Kumasi
2006 Member and Chairman for Finance, Committee for the Planning of the ALL African Bishop’s Seminar on Liturgy, in Kumasi
2005 – Member, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Committee for the writing of the Department of Religion, Courses Outline and Content.
2005 Member and Chairman for Finance, National Committee for the Planning of National Eucharistic Congress in Kumasi
2004 –2009 Co-Ordinator, Xavier University Academic Service Learning Semester Programme in Ghana
2004 –2009 Member, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Central Welfare Scheme.
2004 Member/Moderator, Kumasi Archdiocesan Synod.
2003 –Date Chairman, Kumasi Ecclesiastical Provincial Liturgical Commission
2002 –Date Member, Diocesan Liturgical Committee, Konongo-Mampong Diocese, Ghana.
2002-2009 Chairman, Diocesan Pastoral Co-ordinating Council, Konongo-Mampong Diocese, Ghana
2002 – 2009 Chairman, Priests’ Welfare Fund, Konogo-Mampong Diocese, Ghana
1999 Chairman, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Residence Committee, Sub-Committee on Students’ Accommodation.
1998 –2009 Episcopal Vicar for Clergy and Religious, Konogo-Mampong Diocese, Ghana.
1998 –2001 President, Konongo-Mampong Diocesan Priest’s Association, Konnongo-Mampong Diocese, Ghana
1997 Member, Preparatory Committee and Committee of Experts, National Catholic Pastoral Congress, Cape Coast, Ghana
1996 –2019 Lecturer, St. John’s Gospel, Inter-Religious Community Formation Program, Kumasi, Ghana.
1996 –2009 Lecturer, Church History, Immaculate Heart of Mary Novitiate, Ejisu-Besease, Ashanti, Ghana
1996 –2021 Chairman, Regional Catholic Academic Exchange Service Partner Committee of West Africa (KAAD-Organization of the German Catholic Church, In partnership with Catholic Scholars in West Africa).
1995 – Date National Chaplian, International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS, Pax Romana), Ghana Federation.
1995 –2009 Dean, Asawase Deanery, Kumasi Archdoicese.
1995 –Date Member, Senate of Priests, Konongo-Mampong Diocese, Ghana
1995 – Date Member, College of Consultors, Konongo-Mampong Diocese, Ghana
1995 – 1999 Diocesan Masters Of Ceremonies, Konongo-Mampong Diocese.
1995 – 1998 Vice President, Konongo-Mampong Priests’ Association, Ghana
1995 Member, Transitional Committee for the division of assets and liabilities for the Archdiocese of Kumasi and the Dioceses of Koongo-Mampong and Obuasi
1994 Member/Moderator, Kumasi Diocesan Synod
1991 – 1995 Member College of Consultors, Kumasi Archdiocese, Kumasi Ghana
1992 – 1995 Defender of the Bond, Kumasi Archdiocesan Marriage Tribunal, Kumasi Ghana
1990 – 1999 Members, Kumasi Provincial Committee for the translation pf the Roman Missal
1988 – 1992 Member, Committee running the Kumasi Cheshire Rehabilitation Home for Drug addicts and the Physically Changed
1987 – 1990 Secretary, Senate of Priests, Kumasi Archdiocese, Kumasi Ghana
1986 –2014 Member, Senate of Priests, Kumasi Archdiocese, Kumasi Ghana
1986 – 1989 Secretary, Kumasi Diocesan Priests’ Association
1985 – 2009 Member, Residence Committee, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi Ghana
1985 – 2009 Member, Welfare Service Board, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi Ghana.
1985 – 2009 Member, Health Service Management Committee, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana